Reptiles, amphibians, and insects

The park has numerous reptiles, amphibians, and insects, some of which are extremely rare.

Semi-open areas with sandy soils provide the ideal habitat for reptiles. The park is home to three species of lizard (the common lizard, the sand lizard, and the slow worm) and three species of snake (the smooth snake, the common adder, and the grass snake).

Most amphibians are dependent on water. Despite being situated on elevated sandy ground, the park offers plenty of meres, bogs, ponds, and waterholes for amphibians to live in. The park is home to six species of amphibian: the natterjack toad, the common toad, the moor frog, the common frog, and the common newt.

Much less obvious but no less important are the many species of insects that live in the park. They are responsible for pollinating flowers and converting humus, manure, and waste food. Many species are also preyed on by larger animals.